
Less than 1% of Ecuador’s disabled population receive an education or any medical services. Medication and therapy can cost thousands of dollars a month making it impossible for families living on less than $500 per month to provide for their children. Parents have two options:

  1. Go to work and leave their disabled child home alone with no one to care for them for hours at a time
  2. Stay at home with their child and not have enough money to feed their family which isn’t really an option because their family would starve

Children with physical and mental disabilities have very different life experiences than other children. They are often isolated, don’t get to go to school or play with other children and frequently are abandoned.

This is your moment to ignite


Quito’s poverty is very prevalent and chronic malnutrition is a problem for more than 25% of the population and 20% of the children under five have stunted growth.

Program Highlights

Life skills training, therapy and activities for children with disabilities

A team of volunteers created Camp Hope in 1983 as a week-long summer day camp. The program included swimming, handicrafts and group activities for children with disabilities. These children laughed, played games and had arts and crafts projects just like other children. They thrived and their parents saw their potential. Camp Hope delivered encouragement to the families and an inspiration to the volunteers that eventually led to the creation of an orphanage and a year-round day care center.

Today Camp Hope includes an orphanage for 16 severely disabled children and a day care for 32 disabled children. The day care provides life skills training and offers multiple therapies for all 48 special needs children. These children awaken each morning to a new day of joy because they receive nutritious meals, life skills training and the full attention of a caring staff.

  • Children as young as two years old receive specialized care and the proper nutrition they need to develop
  • A priority is helping children learn how to eat by themselves
  • A specially designed “snoozle” room stimulates their senses which helps children to improve their vision, hearing,
    smelling and tasting
  • Each child gets individual time with therapists to improve their motor skills
  • Many children learn how to navigate on their own
  • Some even learn how to read and solve basic math problems


Camp Hope depends on donations from people just like you

Each child receives individualized medical care

  • $3,475 per month pays for the housemother and five caregivers needed to care for the children at the orphanage
  • $700 per month pays for one physical therapist
  • $625 per month provides medical care and prescriptions for 10 children
  • $300 per month pays the salary of one nurse

Proper nutrition is critical for those with disabilities

  • $2,700 per month feeds 48 children at the orphanage and day care
  • $1,700 per month provides nutritious meals for 32 children at the day care
  • $1,000 per month provides nutritious meals for 16 orphans
  • $650 per month pays for food supplements that are rich in vitamins

Life skills training provides tools for development

  • $1,600 per month pays for three teachers and learning materials at the day care and training center
  • $50 per month sponsors one child to attend the day care and training center